A thrilling story of adventures of a little boy Jēkabs, who unexpectedly finds himself in Maskačka – the most mysterious district of Riga. There he meets a real sailor Ērglis, an utterly unbearable girl Mimmi and becomes friends with a speaking dog – the Boss of Maskačka.
"The Story of Maksačka" has been published in English ("Dog Town", Firefly Press, 2018) and Estonian ("Jakobi väga hästi õnnestunud plaan", Helios kirjastus, 2019).
Based on this story also an animation "Jēkabs, Mimmi un runājošie suņi" has been released (Atom Art, 2018).
Luīze Pastore is a Latvian writer, author of 9 children’s books for young readers in the age group 7+. At the moment continues her book series “Art Detectives” – adventurous detective stories about Latvian artists – writes a story about a Latvian adventurer Aleksandrs Laime and his two kids living in Guyana jungle, Venezuela (also to be an animated movie) and a book for young adults.