
Kaspars Zariņš

Sales price € 15.00 Regular price € 18.00

Album about Kaspars Zariņš. Authors of the texts are Ieva Rupenheite, Anda Treija and Inga Bunkše. Design – Armands Zelčs.

For me every painting is an experiment, I follow my intuition. I like to create for myself, to put things together even if I know they will fall apart. This is a path to clarity of the soul. The artist’s most important instrument is belief in his own inner voice.

Kaspars Zariņš

Kaspars Zariņš sees the world with childlike directness and naivety, free of humbug, and this is something you cannot learn – you either have it or you don’t. I agree, although there is no such thing as absolute truth. My painting is and remains Kaspars Zariņš’ “Sunny Day”, and it represents a watershed between the way he was before the exhibition “Oh, Happy One!” and after this self-exhibiting in Gallery Daugava in 2000. I will not speak about his painting periods and influences or analyse them, although I could if I pulled my socks up, and sometimes I do just that. My conclusion: something significant changes in him every ten years, although the pillars of his painting are still beauty and sadness,” writes Anda Treija.

Sales price € 15.00 Regular price € 18.00