Jānis Hvoinskis saņem Ojāra Vācieša literāro prēmiju dzejā

Jānis Hvoinskis saņem Ojāra Vācieša literāro prēmiju dzejā

Šā gada 13. novembrī, Ojāra Vācieša 87. gadadienā, tika pasniegta Ojāra Vācieša literārā prēmija dzejā. Pirmo reizi 18 gadu laikā, kopš tiek pasniegta balva, par laureātiem nosaukti divi dzejnieki, viens no tiem Jānis Hvoinskis par dzejas krājumu Mūza no pilsētas N. Sveicam mūsu autoru, kā arī pateicība Carnikavas novada pašvaldībai!

Vairāk par balvu lasiet Carnikavas novada pašvaldības mājaslapā.

“Dzejas dienu” balvu saņem Jānis Hvoinskis un Raimonds Ķirķis

Jānis Hvoinskis and Raimonds Ķirķis receive "The Poetry Days Award"

On 13 September at the closing ceremony of the "Poetry Festival" the winners of "The Poetry Days Award" were announced. This year they are two - Jānis Hvoinskis for his collection "The Muse of the City N" and Raimonds Ķirķis for his debut collection "Maps", both published by Neputns.

Nominees for the 2020 Poetry Days Award were four poetry collections, including "The Presence of Beauty" by Krišjānis Zeļģis, and two translations - Osip Mandelstam "Poetry", translated by Einārs Pelšs and Charles Bukowski "The Bite", translated by Jānis Elsbergs.

Uldis Bērziņš saņem Latvijas Literatūras gada balvu

Uldis Bērziņš receives the Annual Latvian Literature Award

Uldis Bērziņš received the award for his translation of the epic poem Cantar de Mio Cid (published by Neputns), that is the oldest Spanish literature monument preserved until today. Bērziņš came accross the epic text during his school years and later has devoted many years to its translation and deep study of the text.

Photo: the Annual Latvian Literature Award

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Gift cards

Neputns Gallery offers three various gift cards  -  10 ,  20 and  50.